Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Trust Me to fulfill all of My plans for you. All things are held together by My Power and continued Presence in your life. (Col 1:17) You are kept by My Power through faith. (1 Peter 1:5) Your heart is in My hand to turn whatever way that I will. (Prov 21:1) You are strong through My Power and Might. (Eph. 6:10) I fight your battles for you. (Deut 3:22) You only need to watch and stand steadfast in faith. Let all be done in love. (1 Cor.16:13-14) It is not by your might, nor by your power, but by My Spirit that the victory is won. (Zech. 4:6) I Am able to do more than you could ever dream! (Eph. 3:20) I WILL fulfill My purpose for you. (Ps 138:8) Be fully persuaded that I AM able to keep all that you commit to Me. (2 Tim 1:12) Faith is the VICTORY that overcomes the world. (1 John 1:4)

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